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Book 2 in my historical fantasy series (Made by Miblart). | My debut novel - Book 1 in a historical fantasy series (Made by Miblart). | Artist made - Continent of Iuvenis before the Purification |
Important people and families in Silenia (by me via Canva) | Artist made - Map of kingdom of Silenia (dots and cities added by me via Canva) | First drawing of the city of Palermo (by Me) |
Artist made - portrait of Eleonora Balistreri | My first drawing of the design for Eleonora (by Me) | The elements that make up fairy elemental magic (Me via Canva) |
My first drawing of the design for Luca (by Me) | Artist made - portrait of Luca Balistreri in fairy form. | The palace in the kingdom of Silenia (by Me) |
Important people and families in the Anglian kingdom (Me via Canva) | Artist made - map of Anglia (Dots and cities were added by me) | Mainly Ashwood North (by Me) |
Artist made - portrait of the human king. | My first drawing of the human king (by Me) | Looks familiar...? (By Me) |
Artist made - Continent of Iuvenis After the Purification | The worlds in my Iuvenis Saga (book series) - (by Me) | The characters in 'The Heroes' Descent' and how they connect to the three main (Me via Canva) |
Couldn't make a story without a creator... (by Me) | The cover for my fanfiction set in the Ottoman Empire - (by me via Canva) | Manisa Palace Map 1 (Fanfic layout) |
Manisa palace map 2 (not real layout) |
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